Updated FBX files in the jungle!
Jul 7, 2022

CyberKongz proudly presents advanced FBX’s for all CyberKongz VX holders. In order for VX’s to be used in many digital and physical applications, holders of CyberKongz VX assets are given the opportunity to download .VOX, .GLTF, .FBX and .OBJ file formats. As the environment around digital use of 3D assets evolves quickly, the old FBX files have now been replaced by advanced FBX files containing default humanoid rig — open hands and fingers — mesh optimization in order to be easier to integrate into interactive digital applications!

Interactive Digital applications such as animations and games use rigs to define the skeleton of a 3D character. The rig contains all of the joints and pivots on which the different parts of the character turn and twist when moving. The actual movement and behavior of a 3D asset in a digital space is extremely important; for example, there are hundreds of ways a character can walk, run, jump or crouch. With rigs now embedded in the advanced FBX file, we are standardizing the way CyberKongz VX’s behave in an environment within a digital application.

Having a large body, long arms, and short legs makes the movement of 3D Kongz unique. The original CyberKongz VX models were designed in VoxEdit, but these files can now be exported to more common digital gaming formats such as an FBX file. In order for meshes not to clip, joints to bend properly and CyberKongz to look Kongish; slight changes were made to the position of the submeshes within the entire mesh. These additions make a broader set of pre-defined animations in tools such as Mixamo.com work correctly on CyberKongz VX’s.
One of the more useful changes is the open hand feature. With this feature it’s possible for game developers to control the finger joints of CyberKongz VX, making it possible to hold wearables and use broader sets of animations.

Keeping in mind the future standardization and interoperability of CyberKong VX, many base animations were created. We have managed to project the animation data onto the advanced FBX humanoid rig, presenting holders the opportunity to have their VX’s walking, running, swimming, jumping, punching, etc, in the most uniform way possible. The animations can be downloaded from the CyberKongz asset page and used by advanced animators or 3D developers to project onto the advanced FBX files.

In order to provide more assistance to game / digital application developers; Cyberkongz will launch a Unity plugin shortly. Using the plugin, developers will receive even more advanced tools to optimize CyberKongz VX assets to their desire such as applying animations or adjusting autonomously. Whilst the FBX models are directly compatible with Unreal Engine, a comparable plugin will be launched in the next months.

The advanced FBX files are a giant step for digital interoperability. We’re encouraging any WEB2/WEB3 game developer to reach out to us with any questions on the updated file types. While we continue to improve the interoperability and accessibility for our community’s use of their IP, we’re looking forward to seeing how YOU are utilizing your Cyberkongz NFT’s IP. Make sure to tag our socials when sharing your ideas, and hop in our Discord if you feel like having a conversation about them! Together we are Strong! #KongzTogetherStrong

To download your assets visit www.cyberkongz.com, connect your wallet and click on ‘my kongz’. By selecting your asset you can find several files that can be used for different purposes. The new advanced FBX can be found by clicking CyberKongz VX -> select desired VX -> select download asset -> select 3D FBX model file. An ownership verification will be required in order to successfully download your files.
Advanced users can import the FBX in many 3D design packages such as Maya, 3DsMax, Blender, Unity and Unreal Engine. Make sure to toggle the ‘Calculate Normals’ function when using blender in order for hard edges to be present. Once imported the objects will contain mesh data, texture maps, rig, and open fingers.
Basic users can upload the model to various environments that require rigged characters such as Mixamo (www.mixamo.com). Mixamo will recognize the 3D model and rig data, and the user will be presented with thousands of animations which can be projected on their CyberKong VX. The animation data can then be downloaded and used by various platforms, animation movies, or game movement.

You can use your CyberKongz VX 3D models in a broad range of 3D and/or 3D animation software such as Blender, Maya, 3DSmax, Unity, Unreal Engine, Marmoset etc. Although the 3D models are as interchangeable as possible, certain import settings may lead to models being viewed incorrectly. We’ve made a rundown of some common fixes:
Blender: While importing the FBX into blender the object may look as if it’s viewed from the inside out. To fix this, make sure to select the option ‘custom normals’ from the importing pop-up, or use the function ‘recalculate normals’ while having the part selected in the viewer.
If the object is still showing translucent, select a part of the 3D model and go to the ‘material properties’ tab in the options tab, scroll down to the settings tab and put the ‘blend mode’ setting to ‘opaque’.
Unity/Unreal: The FBX files contain neutral material properties. If the object’s colors or shadows look distorted, you can correct this from the scene lighting instead of changing the material properties.
Please report any issues you might have with importing to your desired software package, and we’ll be happy to help you and update this section accordingly.
Here you can find some fun examples created by our amazing and talented markman!
We cannot wait to see what all of you can come up with!

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